
While the Alberta government has some excellent visualizations about COVID-19 statistics in Alberta, I felt there was a little too much missing. The province is quite transparent and you can export the data in CSV. Since these days most of my “technical work” is dorking around in spreadsheets, I fiddled with the data a bit. It’s not quite to my liking because the data isn’t complete. For example it doesn’t tell you when a person with COVID had it detected and when they recovered so we can’t see the average length to recovery, etc.

I was more interested in my own city so sliced out the data to just focus on Edmonton. The chart below is ok and updated as I update (which depends on when I get around to it and when their data set is updated). Unfortunately due to how they publish I can’t automate it like I wanted to.

I may fiddle a bit with some Python to do some more interesting digging with the data, but I’m not sure how much further I can get with the limited data available.

If the above looks shifty embedded here, you can also look at the sheet in its own window. All I know is it’s not getting better and folks need to exercise a bit more communal responsibility. As the Premier and Chief Medical Officer of Health have said numerous times, COVID-19 isn’t something to be afraid of, but it is something to respect. Alberta did a great job over the summer and I expect it lulled us into a false sense of security which is why we’re seeing things get worse. Having said that, our numbers are not insanely high like other places around the world, for which I’m grateful.

Hoping everyone is staying safe, practicing communal responsibility, and staying healthy!

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