Been working on this for a bit and now it’s here! I’m really pleased to announce that I’ve started a new podcast! It’s called Security Unscripted and the goal is to be short 10-12 minute episodes weekly about a variety of security topics. Bite-sized pieces of useful information about security.
I’m not super anxious about it, but this is definitely new territory for me. I’ve done a lot of public speaking which is fine (well, now it is, it used to be so stressful!) but talking to an audience you can’t see or gauge a reaction from is pretty hard. I also suffer from rambling, so I try to keep myself pretty tightly scripted when doing public speaking or who knows what tangent I’ll get on, so doing something “unscripted” is really different. But, I think it’ll be fun, possibly amusing, and hopefully informational and instructive.
The first two episodes are out now, on CVSSv4 and AI safety and security. There will be more coming — more AI, perhaps a chat with an everyday someone special, and some other topics like CWE, VEX, and more.
The web site is a little terrible. I’m using Pelican to build it, like this one, but I’m not too happy with the theme I’ve chosen — I like a lot about it but it’s lacking quite a bit as well so I’ll be fiddling with it in the weeks to come to make it a little nicer.
Hit me up on X and let me know what you think!