I realized today, after having a conversation with someone at work about gpg keys and rpm support, that I haven’t updated my GPG key in about 6 years.

Then I realized I harped on CERT not too long ago about not doing things right. =) Granted, my key hasn’t been compromised and I have no established schedule for rotating keys, but 6 years is a long time. So I’ve generated a new key, and revoked the old key. Direct link to the new key/revocation certificate: http://linsec.ca/vdanen.asc”.

It has been signed with my old key and a few others. If anyone out there has signed my old key (0xFEE30AD4), I would surely appreciate you signing the new key as well. I think a trail of trust has been established with the new key. The particulars:

pub   2048R/B86380FC 2010-09-29 [expires: 2013-09-28]
uid                  Vincent Danen 
sig 3        B86380FC 2010-09-29  Vincent Danen 
sig          FEE30AD4 2010-09-29  Vincent Danen 
sig          CA57AD7C 2010-09-29  PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig          CA57AD7C 2010-09-29  PGP Global Directory Verification Key
uid                  Vincent Danen 
sig 3        B86380FC 2010-09-29  Vincent Danen 
sig          FEE30AD4 2010-09-29  Vincent Danen 
sig          CA57AD7C 2010-09-29  PGP Global Directory Verification Key
uid                  Vincent Danen 
sig 3        B86380FC 2010-09-29  Vincent Danen 
sig          FEE30AD4 2010-09-29  Vincent Danen 
sig          CA57AD7C 2010-09-29  PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sig          CA57AD7C 2010-09-29  PGP Global Directory Verification Key
sub   2048R/729BAAE4 2010-09-29 [expires: 2013-09-28]
sig          B86380FC 2010-09-29  Vincent Danen 

And the fingerprint info:

pub   2048R/B86380FC 2010-09-29 [expires: 2013-09-28]
      Key fingerprint = 786F 8AA3 A608 8CA2 33A3  4D8E 5179 17ED B863 80FC
uid                  Vincent Danen 
uid                  Vincent Danen 
uid                  Vincent Danen 
sub   2048R/729BAAE4 2010-09-29 [expires: 2013-09-28]

Neato… wordpress hides email addresses, so the above output is missing any email addresses listed. I’ve also sent the new key and revocation of the old key to the keyservers.

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